Trading license (offline cats)
Dear players and guests of the project!
On our project there is a system of offline cats through the design of a trading license in the Personal Account.
After the license is cleaned, the player can set its IP as a special link that can be obtained in the Personal Account.
Link "Trade License": - At the bottom of the page content click on the link "Set this IP as permitted".
To install an offline cat, you need to start the game through a special link - in the launcher it is called Trade-Link, then directly put a shopping tent and get out of the game, putting a tick "stiff / offline bargaining".
The trading license is issued and extended to the required period: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year. When choosing a period of 3 months, 6 months and 1 year there is a special discount (from 5% to 10%), the more period - the higher the discount.
Trade license can be obtained in two ways:
1) Balance (TCoins)
Balance can be replenished in the personal account on the link "Top up the balance":
On the received coins (balance) you can buy a trade license on the link "Extend the Shipping License":
Or exchange Tcoins on Gold according to the standard server 1 GOLD = 6 TCoins
2) Bonuses (TCoins)
Bonuses can be obtained by making donations in favor of the server. For each successfully enrolled donation, the player receives a bonus in the amount of a certain number of interest, namely from 1% to 10% depending on the amount of Donates for all time. The more donations were made - the greater the percentage of the bonus receives the player.
On the received coins (bonuses) you can buy a trade license on the link "Extend the Shipping License":
Or exchange Tcoins on Gold according to the standard server 1 GOLD = 6 TCoins